This blog is a bit different from earlier ones. I was invited by life coach Amanda Cullen to take part in a Blog Tour.
The idea is to tell you a bit more about how and why I blog, and to introduce you to some great bloggers I know who cover widely divergent topics. On this blog tour we answer the 4 questions below, find other blogs we like to share, and pass on the baton! Here’s my contribution and please scroll down to meet Viviann Napp, Gillian Gingell Wormley and Nicola Warwick.
At Breathing Remedies I help people with health problems that are related to dysfunctional breathing and body oxygen depletion (ME/CFS/fibromyalgia; asthma, hay-fever sinusitis; anxiety, panic, stress; sleep problems etc) to regain their health naturally through breathing re-education (Buteyko method).
Q2 How does my work differ from others of this genre?
I have a special interest in people with ME/CFS/fibromyalgia whereas many breathing educators focus strongly on asthma. Clinical evidence of the effectiveness of Buteyko breathing retraining is strong for asthma and the Buteyko method has been listed in the doctor’s guidelines in the UK since 2008 (although still not many GPs are aware of it). It is easier to convince someone that their asthma may be linked to their breathing, but bad breathing can affect every system. I’m flexible and design the courses with the needs of the individual in mind. I have recovered from ME/CFS myself so I have walked this path myself, so I can guide clients safely along it.
Q3 Why do I write what I do
I started blogging to get more people to think about the connection between better breathing and health. Surprisingly after 30 years in biomedical science research, I was totally unaware of the link until a few years ago when I improved my breathing (Buteyko method) and it helped a lot with my own health (ME/CFS: many symptoms, especially anxiety and migraine). My son had ME/CFS too and it is a devastating condition, it may not be as life threatening as acute asthma; however it can destroy quality of life pretty comprehensively. It is misunderstood and sufferers may be thought as malingerers; this I find very cruel indeed. I feel it is my duty to get what I know out there, and blogging can help me with a credible presence. I feel vindicated when I get emails from people who have found info in my posts useful and ease their life in some small way. “Just want to let you know that a comment you made about keeping your mouth shut and only breathe through your nose made a great impact on me. I can now walk up steeper slopes for longer as my stamina is improving!”
Q4 How does my writing process work?
Some of my blog posts are based on questions clients have asked about breathing. There are so many misconceptions about correct breathing and I want to keep it simple so I break it down into little bits. I think this approach lends itself well to blogging.
Now, let me pass on the baton and introduce my exciting fellow bloggers who have summed up why they do what they do in just three sentences.
1) Viviann Napp is a true Facebook friend; we have never met face to face (yet, but who knows, I would love her as an actual as well as a virtual tour guide of Estonia?). I think it was our mutual love of art that linked us initially; Viviann used to own an art gallery in Tallin. She has done many things and has wide interests ranging from sailing to body building and shares remarkable stories about her life.
“After 40 years of traveling I’ve decided to follow up on what friends and acquaintances have been telling me for so long: “you should write a book” I don’t know about a book but I feel that the lessons I learned and the experiences that often only I witnessed need to be chronicled. We are all on our hero’s journey and as I enter the end phase of the second third of my life, I feel the insights I have gleaned from living overseas most of my life offer some nuggets of insights for those just starting out, no matter what age they are”.
2) Gillian Gingell Wormley is a singer and singing teacher (the Little Soprano) with an extraordinarily beautiful soprano voice. Below she tells us why she sings, but just listen and judge for yourself. She teaches by skype too so anything is possible if you feel inspired.
“I love to sing: music is the voice of the heart. There’s nothing quite like watching the magic unfurl for another human being, see their faces light up with exhilaration. I like to give good advice and show the way by writing about my own singing journey”.
3) Nicola Warwick has really found her calling, her element; helping people to put more of
“themselves” into wherever they appear on line. I have found her advice and support invaluable.
“Words: A website is just code and words until you put your heart and soul into it. If you want to connect with people through your online presence, you have to show up. I help people to be seen and to shine. I write about digital essence and how to stand out online”.
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