Reading this could be your first step towards better health. Sleeping badly affects your whole life and those around you. Breathing re-training with the Buteyko method is a natural, drug-free way of improving sleep patterns by reducing insomnia and the incidence of snoring, sleep apnoea, vivid dreams and nightmares.
When you are asleep the airways are more floppy than when you are awake and so they are more likely to collapse. Breathing heavily is one way of making this happen because it causes narrowing, swelling and inflammation in the airways. Sleeping flat on your back can make these problems worse as you can breathe twice as hard.
“I am delighted with my progress so far; I slept right through until my alarm went off, for the first time in more than three years” Insomnia, Chorlton.
Breathing is our most basic requirement for life and good health yet it is the least likely to be considered simply because it is so basic. Breathing affects every cell in your body and like blood pressure it is easy for breathing to become abnormal without you being aware of it. Breathing incorrectly can have devastating results on your health in the long term.
Hyperventilation means breathing more air than your body needs at a particular time. Snoring is an example of hyperventilation because healthy people breathe quietly when they sleep. Other examples include breathing through your mouth while driving a car and sighing or yawning a lot.
People who hyperventilate will be familiar with some of the following indicators of poor sleep:
- Repeatedly waking during the night
- Waking up tired instead of refreshed
- Vivid dreams and nightmares
- Night sweats
- Blocked or runny nose, especially on waking
The root cause of your abnormal breathing pattern needs to be addressed so that the poor sleep pattern becomes less of a problem. Buteyko can reset the automatic breathing pattern to operate at the correct level for any activity, including sleep.
Sleeping badly has a negative effect on you life and the lives of those around you because sleep is so important to good health. Poor sleep and sleep apnoea can also be dangerous, and may be behind many car accidents when the driver falls asleep at the wheel as they have not slept well at night. Sleep apnoea is also linked to heart failure, diabetes and more recently to cancer deaths. Children who snore or have apnoea are more likely to be hyperactive and have poor concentration at school. Another recent study has linked snoring and longer periods of sleep with getting bowel cancer.
“I have slept more deeply and have more energy over the past three weeks than at any point in the last three years. My hands and feet are generally warmer. I feel calmer and more positive in general and have got on with jobs that have been “hanging over me” for ages. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Insomnia, fatigue High Peak.
Breathing re-training with the Buteyko method can improve sleep patterns by reducing insomnia and the incidence of snoring, sleep apnoea, vivid dreams and nightmares. Many people wake up feeling more refreshed, and start the day with renewed energy and have more stamina. It is a natural, complementary approach that does not involve gadgets, machines, drugs or herbs. Instead it corrects your breathing, making it more efficient so that you can get more oxygen into your tissues. Learn the Buteyko method for a good night’s sleep.
Dr. Konstantin Buteyko connected hyperventilation with many conditions, and perfected a programme to correct abnormal (dysfunctional or disordered) breathing patterns.